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August 29th, 2011:

Government Inaction on Ratings and Government Subsidies to the US Film Industry Help Promote Youth Smoking

Research indicates that exposure to
tobacco imagery in movies is a potent cause
[1] of youth experimentation and progression
to established smoking [2–4], with a
dose-response relationship that indicates
heavily exposed youths are about three
times as likely to begin smoking as lightly
exposed youths [1]. Links between exposure
to tobacco imagery in movies and initiation
of smoking among youth have been documented
in several countries with distinct
cultures, diverse tobacco regulatory regimes
(including varying controls on advertising),
and different smoking prevalences [5–8].
This evidence led the World Health Organization
(WHO) to recommend [2] as part
of implementing Article 13 of the WHO
Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
(FCTC) [9] that all future movies with
scenes of smoking (and other tobacco) be
given an adult content rating, with the
possible exception of movies that depict the
dangers of tobacco use or smoking by an
actual historical figure who actually smoked.
The primary logic for recommending an
adult content rating policy is to create an
economic incentive for producers to leave
smoking out of movies that are marketed to
youths. A 2005 study in the US concluded
that the return on investment for youthratedmovies
was 70%, compared with 29%
for adult content (R-rated) movies [10].
Essentially eliminating smoking and other
tobacco imagery from youth-rated films
would substantially reduce the total exposure
of onscreen smoking images delivered
to youth. (In addition, while youth do see
some adult-rated films, they are less likely to
see them than youth-rated films.)

IntroductionResearch indicates that exposure totobacco imagery in movies is a potent cause[1] of youth experimentation and progressionto established smoking [2–4], with adose-response relationship that indicatesheavily exposed youths are about threetimes as likely to begin smoking as lightlyexposed youths [1]. Links between exposureto tobacco imagery in movies and initiationof smoking among youth have been documentedin several countries with distinctcultures, diverse tobacco regulatory regimes(including varying controls on advertising),and different smoking prevalences [5–8].This evidence led the World Health Organization(WHO) to recommend [2] as partof implementing Article 13 of the WHOFramework Convention on Tobacco Control(FCTC) [9] that all future movies withscenes of smoking (and other tobacco) begiven an adult content rating, with thepossible exception of movies that depict thedangers of tobacco use or smoking by anactual historical figure who actually smoked.The primary logic for recommending anadult content rating policy is to create aneconomic incentive for producers to leavesmoking out of movies that are marketed toyouths. A 2005 study in the US concludedthat the return on investment for youthratedmovieswas 70%, compared with 29%for adult content (R-rated) movies [10].Essentially eliminating smoking and othertobacco imagery from youth-rated filmswould substantially reduce the total exposureof onscreen smoking images deliveredto youth. (In addition, while youth do seesome adult-rated films, they are less likely tosee them than youth-rated films.)

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IntroductionResearch indicates that exposure totobacco imagery in movies is a potent cause[1] of youth experimentation and progressionto established smoking [2–4], with adose-response relationship that indicatesheavily exposed youths are about threetimes as likely to begin smoking as lightlyexposed youths [1]. Links between exposureto tobacco imagery in movies and initiationof smoking among youth have been documentedin several countries with distinctcultures, diverse tobacco regulatory regimes(including varying controls on advertising),and different smoking prevalences [5–8].This evidence led the World Health Organization(WHO) to recommend [2] as partof implementing Article 13 of the WHOFramework Convention on Tobacco Control(FCTC) [9] that all future movies withscenes of smoking (and other tobacco) begiven an adult content rating, with thepossible exception of movies that depict thedangers of tobacco use or smoking by anactual historical figure who actually smoked.The primary logic for recommending anadult content rating policy is to create aneconomic incentive for producers to leavesmoking out of movies that are marketed toyouths. A 2005 study in the US concludedthat the return on investment for youthratedmovieswas 70%, compared with 29%for adult content (R-rated) movies [10].Essentially eliminating smoking and othertobacco imagery from youth-rated filmswould substantially reduce the total exposureof onscreen smoking images deliveredto youth. (In addition, while youth do seesome adult-rated films, they are less likely tosee them than youth-rated films.)

Tourists don’t get smoking message

South China Morning Post – 29 August 2011

Of all the statistics that should make us feel good, those showing that Hong Kong’s smoking rate has fallen to the lowest-ever level are the ones most likely to put an extra spring in our step. The Census and Statistics Department’s latest figures reveal that 11.1 per cent of people aged 15 and over and 19.9 per cent of men smoke, among the lowest levels for developed economies. Better still, the rates are for last year and do not take into account trends since an additional 41.5 per cent tax was imposed on tobacco products in February. Progress is clearly being made.

Smoking, despite the serious impact it has on health, is not the easiest habit to kick. Left to our own devices, rates here would in all likelihood be nearer those on the mainland, where six in 10 people smoke. A number of government anti-smoking policies over the years, starting with tax increases, advertising bans, health warnings on packets and expanded to banning smoking in indoor public areas, are largely what it has taken to make smokers quit. Such measures are necessary as smoking and second-hand smoke are bad for health. Our next target has to be a single-digit figure.

Efforts are also needed on the mainland. There are anti-smoking laws there, but they are so poorly followed and enforced that it is near impossible to avoid clouds of second-hand smoke. With 60,000 mainlanders crossing the border each day to visit Hong Kong, what is working so well here is increasingly being strained. As our rules do not apply to outdoor areas, busy shopping districts at street level often are shrouded in cigarette smoke.

That sends the wrong message to our children and is dangerous to health. While our laws will go some way to educating visitors, they are not going to have an immediate impact. The next stage of the government’s campaign will be television advertisements focusing on blunt messages. That is a worthy strategy, but widening it to places frequented by tourists would make it considerably stronger.

From cigarette smuggling to illicit tobacco trade

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