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Smoking rates fall and sales drop almost 4%

The tax on cigarettes has increased 10 percent annually since 2010.

Ministry of Health figures show the average adult consumption has dropped 6.3 percent a year since 2010.

Tobacco and cigarette sales dropped almost 4 percent between 2013 to 2014.

The Government has added 10 percent tax annually on cigarettes since 2010.

Chair of End Smoking NZ and Associate professor at Massey University, Marewa Glover, said the tax measure was behind the decline.

“We’re just thrilled because it does show the tax policy works for a start to encourage people to stop smoking, it’s hurting the tobacco industry sales year on year, with these figures coming out it gives the proof that we just need to continue with this tax increase each year and we’ll keep getting that drop.”

Ms Glover said while it was promising, more needed to be done if the Government wanted to reach its 2025 smokefree target.

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