Worldwide authorities will either ban or regulate E-cigarettes as medicinal products
Only systems with enclosed canisters will pass required testing (to prevent people adding MDMA or other drugs and accidental poisoning of children attracted to the colours)
The cost and timing of certification and testing each product, its electrical charging system and battery safety, contents of the canister and accuracy of nicotine / other ingredients will be extreme
Only the largest e-cig companies and Big Tobacco will be able to afford such testing- their own scientists will already know what is required to achieve FDA or equivalent testing
The smaller e-cig companies will fall by the wayside or survive on mail order and a huge black market will appear for fillable tank tape inhalers
More inhaler type products like VOKE will appear on the market and Big-T will issue patent suits against copycats
Big-T will start a ‘General Cargo’ aka smuggling, network via its supply chain to avoid payment of Excise tax on approved cartridges and to keep people addicted to nicotine
Black market cartridge copies containing higher nicotine content will appear – canisters containing flavorings and synthetic drugs like MDMA will appear – police in a quandary how to deal with situation
Big-T will use its paid bent senators and front groups to push for a seat at the Govt Health tables, since they are now part of the harm prevention ‘solution’ and Govt / NHS Health Services are now their major clients
Meanwhile youth will experiment with vaping , normalise usage, add drugs to the tank, – move on to combustibles = who knows? – all in all , a mess;- meanwhile Big-T gets richer and more powerful, sues Governments to prevent adoption of health measures like plain packaging, Governments add massive excise increases in retaliation, ‘General Cargo’ surges to fill the demand, the death cycle continues