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COSH: Support Tobacco Tax Increase” Online Signatory Campaign

Dear heads of environmental groups in Hong Kong,

“Support Tobacco Tax Increase” Online Signatory Campaign for Prevention of Youth Smoking and Promotion of Smoking Cessation

In order to prevent youth smoking and encourage smoking cessation, Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) advocates the Government to adopt multi-ponged tobacco control policy, including raising tobacco tax. However, the Government has frozen tobacco tax for two consecutive years and tobacco tax in Hong Kong is still below the World Health Organization suggested at least 70% of the retail price.

We are inviting support for raising tobacco tax from all sectors in Hong Kong. The name and the logo of organizations and individuals will be submitted to the Chief Executive and the Financial Secretary by stages for formulation of the Policy Address and Budget 2014-15.

You are cordially invited to join us by completing and returning the enclosed Reply Slip (Appendix A) on or before 24 January 2014. Reasons for Raising Tobacco Tax (Appendix B) are listed for your reference. Please also help disseminate this meaningful event to your colleagues/members/students and invite them to support at our website (

Raising tobacco tax is a most effective measure to encourage smoking cessation and is a global trend. Your support will be counted and is crucial for the success of this event. Please join us to strive for a smoke-free Hong Kong!

Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact Mr Lawrence CHU from COSH Secretariat on 2185-6388.

Yours sincerely,



Vienna LAI

Executive Director

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