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LETTER OF THE DAY – Tobacco smokescreen!

Published: Tuesday | June 4, 2013 0 Comments


It is with dismay and bemusement that I feel compelled to respond to the curious question asked in Friday’s full-page ads from Carreras Limited: ‘What would a world with no legal tobacco industry really look like?’

The points contained in that missive are buttressed by an even more disturbing video on YouTube from British American Tobacco (BAT) titled ‘World With No Legal Tobacco Day – Be Careful What You Wish For’ online at:

Carreras Ltd is a subsidiary of BAT.

It seems very clear from the pronouncements from the minister of health and the experience of other countries in terms of tobacco control that there are no plans to ban the sale of tobacco. Hence, these what-ifs are nothing more than disingenuous scare tactics from the tobacco industry.

A more relevant question would be, ‘What would the world look like with effective tobacco-control legislation?’ Here’s the scenario:

Smoking rates would decrease, more persons would quit, leading to fewer deaths and disability.

With bans on advertising sponsorship and promotion, fewer persons would start smoking, especially our youth.

Banning of smoking in public places would save many deaths annually since non-smokers are at risk from second-hand smoke.

The need for illicit trade in tobacco would be reduced because of reduced demand.

The tobacco taxes that governments receive would decline. However, so would the cost of treating tobacco-related diseases.

Governments would be able to offer better health care to their citizens and less funds would be spent on treating the health effects from smoking.

The funds used to buy tobacco could be utilised in a more effective way, entering the household income to buy food, take care of children, etc. (a pack-a-day smoker in Jamaica spends up to J$250,000 per year).

The environment would benefit tremendously from reduced smoking rates. Worldwide, it is estimated that 1.69 billion pounds of cigarette butts end up as waste in landfills each year. Cigarette butts are the most common toxic waste and the toxins can leach off into water courses, contaminating local water supplies.

The smoke from tobacco affects the greenhouse gases and leads to climate change

In countries that are well advanced in implementing comprehensive tobacco legislation, this scenario is already becoming a reality! Let us move forward with passing the eagerly awaited tobacco-control law in Jamaica.


YouTube – Videos from this email

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