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News for 07 March 2013


Tobacco shares fall on possible UK regulation

Tobacco company shares fell in trading on Wednesday following the news that the UK government may follow Australia’s lead and impose plain packaging for cigarettes.

See also:
– Imperial Tobacco Slides on News of U.K. Plain Packaging Law, Bloomberg
– Tobacco stocks suffer on plain packaging fear, City AM

Source: Yahoo!/AP – 06 March 2013

Lords gather evidence on the proposed revision of the Tobacco Products Directive

The House of Lords Home Affairs, Health and Education EU Sub-Committee conducted enhanced scrutiny of the EU’s proposed revision of the Tobacco Products Directive on Wednesday 6 March.
Source: GovToday – 06 March 2013

U.K. still mulling plain cigarette packaging, official says

The U.K. government is still considering proposals to make plain packaging compulsory for tobacco products, Prime Minister David Cameron’s spokesman said after the Guardian reported that the country will follow Australia in introducing such a law as early as May.

“A process of consultation has been going on,” Jean- Christophe Gray told reporters in London today. “No decisions have yet been taken. On the issue around smoking in cars, there are no plans to change policy in that direction.”

See also:
– Plain packaging could be given green light, Convenience Store

Source: Bloomberg – 06 March 2013

EU: Ombudsman launches investigation into Dalli departure

The European Ombudsman has launched an investigation into the resignation of John Dalli as European commissioner for health and consumer policy, and asked the European Commission to hand over all files relating to his departure.

The investigation follows a complaint made earlier this year by the transparency campaign group Corporate Europe Observatory, which accused the Commission of selectively releasing documents relating to the case and failing to fulfil its obligations under EU transparency laws.

Source: European Voice – 06 March 2013

Fight tobacco marketing, boost vaccinations to curb cancer, says report

Fighting the tobacco industry’s tactics in the world’s poorest countries and ensuring the best vaccines get to those most in need are key to cutting the number of cancer deaths worldwide, according to a report by specialists in the disease published by the journal Science Translational Medicine.

See also:
– Leading scientists sign up to global cancer manifesto, The Guardian
– Measures need to be taken to prevent a billion deaths from tobacco by end of century, Medilexicon

Source: Reuters – 06 March 2013

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