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Those Smokers Spoil a Good Meal

Stacey Niermann – Published on

I am an American who has lived in Asia for 11 years, but in Shanghai only four months.

The few times I have managed to get off my “compound” in Pudong and made it out to dinner, or even recently to a hair salon, I have been absolutely assaulted by the smokers. (“How dare they light up under no-smoking signs” ? Shanghai Daily December 8 )

Honestly, it makes dining out not worth it for me because I have real difficulty enjoying my meal (or even breathing for that matter!).

I love your suggestion to help enforce smoking bans and I thank you sincerely for your efforts to help protect the non-smokers, our children, our air quality, and employees who should not be forced to breathe such air in order to earn a living.

I lived many years in Hong Kong and as Hong Kong moved towards enforcement of this ban, there was, of course, resistance, but once the tide started to turn and it was obvious that non-smoking areas was the wave of the future, the whole issue just sort of “went away” and the smokers stopped fighting it.

To my knowledge, no restaurant suffered an extended loss of business. And there are people such as myself who now limit their dining out or bar visiting because of the smoke, so this is an economic factor also.

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