Shisha bars are gaining popularity in Hong Kong, but are smokers of thearomatic tobacco playing with fire?
In addition all tobacco products imported into Hong kong have to be approved and registered with the Government Chemist with details of tar content etc.
‘The rules and regulations stipulated by the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
(WHO FCTC) apply to all tobacco products and not only cigarettes. Fourteen Member States of
the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region are now Parties to the Convention. Consequently when
Articles 10 and 11 call upon countries to regulate tobacco products, that regulation will include
tobacco consumed by use of the waterpipe, a traditional form of smoking common to the Region. The
regulation of tobacco products includes health warnings, information about contents and emissions,
as well as packaging and labelling. All these elements and others indicated in Articles 10 and 11 of the
WHO FCTC are pertinent to the waterpipe as they are to all methods of tobacco consumption.’
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