31 August 2011
NORTH SYDNEY: Smoking will be banned in several public places within the North Sydney Council’s area from October 1 this year. A smoking policy forbidding smoking in outdoor dining areas on public land, covered bus shelters and taxi ranks as well as within 10m of children’s playgrounds and sporting fieldswhen sports are played was approved by North Sydney councillors on Monday.
The council will lobby the state government to introduce a blanket-ban on smoking in public spaces across NSW.
The smoking-ban policy was on public exhibition recently and attracted a 140-signature petition in favour, 30 written submissions in favour and six against, and a video submission via YouTube called Hands Up for a Smoke Free North Sydney.
Of the 583 participants in an online survey, about 92 per cent agreed with the ban.
Cr Veronique Marchandeau’s original motion put up in February this year asked for the council to forbid smoking at all council-controlled lands including public footpaths.
On Monday night, Cr Andrew Robjohns asked the council to consider banning smoking in all parks.
But they opted to look at widening the ban after the policy had been implemented.
Smoking in a prohibited area could attract a $110 fine.
Half of all NSW councils ban smoking in some council-owned or controlled areas.