Department of Community Medicine & Unit For Behavioural Sciences Submission to Legco Bills Committee 3rd May 2008
25 April 2008
Legislative Council Secretariat
Legislative Council
Hong KongDear Sirs
Re: Bills Committee on Fixed Penalty (Smoking Offences) Bill
We strongly support the introduction of fixed penalties for smoking for the following reasons:
- The fixed penalty is easy and relatively inexpensive to enforce.
- It is easily understood by all members of the public.
- It sends an immediate and clear message to smokers that their behaviour is harmful to others.
- It sends a message to young people that smoking is undesirable and thus deters them from starting to smoke.
- It shows non-smokers and workers that the Government is serious about protecting their health.
- Existing fixed penalties for other offences are acceptable to the public and are effective.
For these reasons we consider that the Government should not delay in implementing this bill.
Yours sincerely
________________________Dr SM McGhee
Tobacco Control Research And Policy Unit
Department of Community Medicine
School of Public Health