First published: March 15, 2010
Source: Jakarta Post
Muhammadiyah is trying to live up to its commitment to making
cigarette smoking haram, starting with its upcoming congress in July.
Muhammadiyah, Indonesia’s second-largest Islamic organization after
Nahdlatul Ulama, will deploy sharia police to enforce the ban on smoking at
the national gathering in Yogyakarta, whose main agenda is to elect new
“It’s right, we’re readying the Aceh-style sharia police that we
call the cigarette police,” deputy chairman Sudibyo Markus told
“The upcoming congress must be free of cigarette smoke and sponsorship.”
Participants caught puffing will be “politely reprimanded”, he said.
The congress will be attended by an estimated 5,000 Muhammadiyah leaders
from across the country.