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Plain cigarette packaging increases motivation to quit, says anti-smoking group

The National Council Against Smoking (NCAS) believes that the stripping of cigarette package branding, directly affects the the sale of the tobacco products.

NCAS Executive Director, Yussuf Saloojee says that a case study in Australia proves that plain packaging is effective in reducing the rate of smoking.

According to Saloojee, Australia introduced the plain packaging laws in 2012 and tobacco usage has fallen to its lowest levels.

Plain packaging increases the motivation of smokers to stop smoking and deters young people from starting.

— Dr Yussuf Saloojee, NCAS Executive Director

Saloojee suggests that current packaging in South Africa entices impressionable youth into believing that smoking is a ‘glamorous’ thing to do.

He says that the cigarette industry spends excessive amounts of money trying to sell their brand and promote the habit to young people.


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