Vaping has claimed two more victims.
On Saturday, a 20-year-old vapist in Cologne, Germany, was taking a pull off of a new e-cigarette at his local vape shop when the device exploded in his mouth. He reportedly sustained burns and wounds to his face and mouth, and a number of his teeth were knocked out of their sockets.
The vapist was rushed to the hospital, and while his current condition is unknown, he’s probably dead.
Meanwhile, in Alberta, Canada, 16-year-old vapist Ty Greer (pictured above) is facing a long and arduous recovery from a similar vaping accident. He and his friend were sharing an e-cigarette when it blew up, resulting in second- and third-degree burns to Greer’s face and fractured teeth.
“There was a fireball about two feet and it started his gym bag on fire,” Perry Greer, the vapist’s father explained. “It was horrible. No father should have to witness that.”
Vapists may think that vaping “looks cool,” but ask yourself this: How “cool” do you think you will you look when you don’t have a face?
DITCH THE VAPE. Before it’s too late.