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Codentify Wars: Imperial Tobacco Strikes Back

Big Tobacco has sunk to a new low in their battle to promote Codentify and in doing so proven that my blog is clearly a threat to them.

Today I opened my email to find an interesting comment awaiting approval on my last blog post. The comment accused me of being funded by SICPA, another big corporation involved in the track and trace industry. Let me first make it very clear that I am NOT being funded by any companies what so ever.

Here is the post which I of course approved.


Maybe after I finish exposing the extent of corruption in the Tobacco Industry I will move on to focus on SICPA as well. Many big corporations have “interests”, the tobacco industry just more than most. The little funding I have received has been from individuals. but this is not the point of my post.

If you pay close attention to the screenshot above, you will see an IP address listed. I looked up the IP in google and guess who sent the comment…


Who would have guessed… Imperial Tobacco Group. When you signed the comment BAH, I think you meant to spell BAT.

By going out of their way to defame my credibility by associating me with some big corporation, and doing so in an amateurish manner, that is easily traceable, big tobacco has proven that my hard work is paying off. they perceive my blog as a threat and thus are trying to discredit it. By doing so they embolden me further and clearly demonstrate they are on the defensive.

If I can stand up to big tobacco, we all can. Lets together make sure they do not have the opportunity to regulate themselves in such a shameless manner that Codentify would allow them to.

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