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June 23rd, 2009:

Hong Kong stubs out entertainment smoking

Tom Qian, Shanghai Daily – 2009-6-23

HONG Kong will ban smoking at places of entertainment from next month, China News Service reported today.

The venues include bars, club houses, nightclubs, bathrooms, massage parlors and mahjong rooms. People under the age of 18 are forbidden to enter these entertainment venues, according to laws in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The regulation takes effect on July 1.

Smoking rooms will not be set up in these venues as each room costs 300,000 yuan (US$43,879), the Hong Kong Tobacco Control Office under Department of Health said.

The Hong Kong government banned smoking in public, excluding these six venues, on January 1, 2007. Smoking is banned in all restaurants, offices, parks, beaches, schools and colleges, hospitals and elevators. Offenders can be fined up to HK$5,000 (US$645).

The number of smokers in Hong Kong last year was 754,800, a drop of 2 percent since the introduction of the ban, Liu Wenwen, chairman of smoking and health committee said.


2009-06-09 17:34:18 来源: 中国新闻网(北京) 跟贴 13 条 手机看新闻
中新网6月9日电 据香港媒体报道,香港控烟办表明,酒吧、会所、夜总会、浴室、按摩院及麻雀馆等6类娱乐场所,将如期在下月1日实施全面禁烟。
吸烟与健康委员会主席刘文文表示,2007年实施禁烟后,全港食肆收入上升13%,吸烟人数减少2个百分点。 (本文来源:中国新闻网 )