Simulating the impact of a cigarette minimum floor price law on adult smoking prevalence in California
Minimum floor price laws (MFPLs) are an emerging tobacco control policy that sets a minimum price below which a specific tobacco product cannot be sold. MFPLs target cheaper products and may disproportionately impact consumers choosing low price brands or using discounts to reduce prices. We developed a static microsimulation model for California, USA to project short-term effects of different MFPL options for a 20-stick pack of cigarettes on adult smoking behaviors.
We simulated 300,000 individuals defined by race/ethnicity, sex, age, and poverty status. Smoking behaviors and cigarette prices were assigned based on demographic distributions in the 2014-2016 California Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. We drew 100 random samples (n=30,000), weighted to state-level California demographic characteristics. We simulated six MFPL options and modeled impacts on smoking prevalence and cigarette consumption, in general, and separately for those in households below or above 250% of the federal poverty level (FPL), assuming a price elasticity of -0.4.
Predicted changes in prices, prevalence, and consumption increased exponentially as the floor price increased from $7.00 to $9.50. Assuming 15% policy avoidance, projected increases in average cigarette prices ranged from $0.19 to $1.61. Decreases in smoking prevalence ranged from 0.05 to 0.43 percentage points, and decreases in average monthly cigarette consumption ranged from 1.4 to 12.3 cigarettes. Projected prices increased, and prevalence and consumption decreased, more among individuals in households below 250% FPL.
MFPLs are a promising tobacco control strategy with the potential to reduce socioeconomic disparities in cigarette smoking prevalence and consumption.
Juul and the upsurge of e-cigarette use among college undergraduates
Objective: Examine trends in e-cigarette use, and Juul use specifically, among U.S. college students.
Participants: In 2016, we established a cohort of 529 incoming first-year students to a large Midwestern University. In 2018, these students (now third-years) were re-contacted, and a new sample of 611 incoming first-year students was enrolled.
Methods: First-year students in 2016 completed a survey assessing their e-cigarette use; in 2018, first- and second-year students reported on e-cigarette use, and use of Juul specifically.
Results: From 2016 to 2018, past 30-day e-cigarette use rose from 5.9% to 27.7%. In 2018, for Juul alone, ever use was above 35% and past 30-day use was above 20% for both cohorts. Juul use did not differ by gender, but was associated with higher socioeconomic status (SES) and being White.
Conclusions: Findings present disturbing possibilities for long-term nicotine addiction among the next generation, and underscore the need for a rapid public health response.
Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Subsequent Academic Performance Among U.S. Youth
Previous research shows the associations between secondhand smoke exposure and health consequences among youth, but less is known about its effect on academic performance. This study examines a dose–response relationship between secondhand smoke exposure and subsequent academic performance among U.S. youth.
Data were from a nationally representative sample of youth non–tobacco users (aged 12–16 years) in Wave 2 (2014–2015) who completed Wave 3 (2015–2016) of the Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health Study ( n=9,020). Past-7-day number of hours exposed to secondhand smoke at Wave 2 and academic performance at Wave 3 (1=Mostly As to 9=Mostly Fs) were assessed. Weighted multivariable linear regression models were used to examine the association between hours of self-reported secondhand smoke exposure at Wave 2 and academic performance at Wave 3 (1=Mostly Fs, 9=Mostly As), adjusting for covariates including sociodemographics, prior academic performance, internalizing and externalizing problems, and substance use problems. Analyses were conducted in 2019.
More than 30% of U.S. youth non–tobacco users were exposed to secondhand smoke in the past 7 days. Compared with unexposed youth at Wave 2, those who were exposed for 1–9 hours had poorer academic performance at Wave 3 (adjusted regression coefficient= −0.11, 95% CI= −0.18, −0.04), and those who were exposed for ≥10 hours at Wave 2 had even poorer academic performance (adjusted regression coefficient = −0.31, 95% CI= −0.45, −0.18).
A dose–response relationship was observed between secondhand smoke exposure and academic performance among U.S. youth. Reducing youth secondhand smoke exposure may promote academic performance and subsequent educational attainment.
Does the gateway theory justify a ban on nicotine vaping in Australia?
•The evidence does not provide strong support for the hypothesis that vaping is a significant gateway to smoking in young people.
•Regular vaping by young never-smokers is rare.
•Most young people who use e-cigarettes have already smoked combustible cigarettes.
•A ban on nicotine vaping prevents adult smokers from accessing a potentially lifesaving alternative to smoking.
•A more nuanced regulatory policy could restrict young nonsmokers’ access to vaping while allowing access for adult smokers.
Australia bans the sale, possession and use of liquid nicotine for vaping. One of the major arguments used to justify Australia’s policy is that the availability of nicotine vaping products will lead a substantial number of young people who would otherwise not have smoked cigarettes to take up regular smoking (the gateway theory). In this article, we provide a critical analysis of the use of the gateway theory to justify Australian policy. We argue first that the evidence that vaping serves as a gateway to smoking is unconvincing. Smoking more often precedes vaping than vice versa, regular vaping by never-smokers is rare and the association is more plausibly explained by a common liability model. Second, we argue that even if the evidence were stronger it would not justify a ban on the sale of nicotine to adult smokers because there are other ways of preventing adolescent vaping that do not require a ban. We describe an alternative regulatory model for Australia that would address legitimate concerns about preventing adolescent uptake while allowing adult smokers to access these products for cessation or as an alternative to smoking cigarettes.
Exploring the Point-of-Sale Among Vape Shops Across the United States
Audits Integrating a Mystery Shopper Approach
Vape shops represent prominent, unique retailers, subject to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation in the United States.
Aims and Methods
This study assessed compliance of US vape shop retail marketing strategies with new regulations (eg, required age verification, prohibited free samples) and pre-implementation conditions for other regulations (eg, health warning labels on all nicotine products, required disclosures of e-liquid contents).
95.0% of shops displayed minimum-age signage; however, mystery shoppers were asked for age verification at 35.6% upon entry and at 23.4% upon purchase. Although 85.5% of shops had some evidence of implementing FDA health warnings, 29.1% had signage indicating prohibited health claims, 16.3% offered free e-liquid samples, 27.4% had signage with cartoon imagery, and 33.3% were within two blocks of schools. All shops sold open-system devices, 64.8% sold closed-system devices, 68.2% sold their own brand of e-liquids, 42.5% sold e-liquids containing cannabidiol, 83.2% offered price promotions of some kind, and 89.9% had signage for product and price promotions.
Results indicated that most shops complied with some implementation of FDA health warnings and with free sampling bans and minimum-age signage. Other findings indicated concerns related to underage access, health claims, promotional strategies, and cannabidiol product offerings, which call for further FDA and state regulatory/enforcement efforts.