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NSW tobacco reforms prompt moves to make North Sydney LGA a smoke-free municipality

North Sydney Mayor Jilly Gibson envisions smoke-free streets and outdoor spaces in her municipality. Photo: Dave Swift

North Sydney Mayor Jilly Gibson envisions smoke-free streets and outdoor spaces in her municipality. Photo: Dave Swift

NORTH Sydney could be one of Australia’s first smoke-free local government areas under Mayor Jilly Gibson’s plan to ban smoking in all outdoor spaces.

This would include no smoking in public and private outdoor dining areas, beer gardens and terraces as well as outside sections of residential properties.

“We couldn’t enforce it but we could certainly encourage all residents and businesses to self-police a blanket ban on smoking in North Sydney,” Cr Gibson said.

“Personally, I am highly allergic to passive smoking – that’s why I fought to abolish smoking in outdoor dining areas 12 years ago.”

<TELL US: Should smoking be banned in all outdoor spaces in the North Sydney LGA? COMMENT BELOW>

Cr Gibson’s comments came after the State Government’s new tobacco laws came into effect on Monday.

Smokers now risk being fined up to $550 if they are caught lighting up at transport stops, playgrounds, sports fields and pools.

State laws are now in line with North Sydney Council’s anti-smoking policy, which was introduced in October 2011.

“It’s great news the legislative changes are in effect but we’re already doing it,” general manager Penny Holloway said.

While council rangers aren’t planning a blitz on errant smokers, they are relying on “peer pressure” within the community to help enforce the reforms.

“We take an educative approach, informing people where they can and can’t smoke – these things usually become self-enforcing,” Ms Holloway said.


* It is now illegal to smoke at bus stops, taxi ranks, playgrounds, public sports grounds and swimming pools in NSW.

* Smoking in outdoor dining areas will be outlawed in 2015.

* North Sydney and Mosman councils have had similar anti-smoking policies in place for years.

* Smoking causes 5,200 deaths and 44,000 hospitalisations in NSW each year – costing NSW $8 billion annually.

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