A debate has just concluded in the Upper House of the Tasmanian Parliament. The motion was:
That the Legislative Council calls on the Government to initiate and promote measures, including if necessary further legislative measures, to restrict access to tobacco products and reduce smoking and the harmful effects of smoking by
(1) Supporting a tobacco free generation of children born this century in Tasmania;
(2) Banning flavourings, additives and filter ventilation (including menthol) in tobacco products
sold in Tasmania;
(3) Progressively reducing the availability of tobacco products in Tasmania;
(4) Requiring the Education Department to implement evidence-based, monitored and evaluated
anti-tobacco education and smoking cessation programs in all government schools on an
ongoing basis.
After extensive debate, the motion was carried on the voices, with none against. This is especially interesting as almost all members of the Upper House are independent. The sole Government representative announced that the measure has the Government’s support.