efficient anti tobacco legislation saves lives – licence the vendors and make liquor licensees and premises’ managers liable to enforce anti smoking laws or – lose their licences to operate
Tobacco-Related Cancers Fact Sheet
• Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States for both men and women. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2012)
• Lung cancer is the most preventable form of cancer death in our society. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2012)
• Lung cancer estimates for 2012 (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2012):
• New cases of lung cancer: 226,160
Males: 116,470
Females: 109,690
• Deaths from lung cancer: 160,340
Males: 87,750
Females: 72,590
• Besides lung cancer, tobacco use also increases the risk for cancers of the mouth, lips, nasal cavity (nose) and sinuses, larynx (voice box), pharynx (throat), esophagus (swallowing tube), stomach, pancreas, kidney, bladder, uterus, cervix, colon/rectum, ovary (mucinous), and acute myeloid leukemia. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2012)
• In the United States, tobacco use is responsible for nearly 1 in 5 deaths; this equals about 443,000 early deaths each year. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2012)
• Tobacco use accounts for at least 30% of all cancer deaths and 80% of lung cancer deaths. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2012)
• Cigarette use has had a dramatic decline since the release of the first US Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health in 1964. Even so, about 22% of men and 17% of women still smoked cigarettes in 2010, with almost 80% of these people smoking daily. (Source: CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 9/10/10)
• Cigarette smoking among adults age 18 and older went down 50% between 1965 and 2009 – from 42% to 21% – but nearly 47 million Americans still smoke. (Source: CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 9/10/10)
• Cigars contain many of the same carcinogens (cancer-causing substances) found in cigarettes. Between 1997 and 2007, sales of little cigars had increased by 240%, while large cigar sales decreased by 6%. Cigar smoking causes cancers of the lung, mouth, throat, larynx (voice box), esophagus (swallowing tube), and probably the pancreas. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2012)
• Little cigars are about the same size and shape as cigarettes, come in packs of 20, but unlike cigarettes, they can be candy or fruit flavored. In most states, they cost much less than cigarettes, making them affordable to youth. A 2009 CDC survey found that about 27% of 12th grade boys and about 10% of the 12th grade girls had smoked cigars in the past 30 days. (Sources: Cancer Facts & Figures 2011; CDC Morbidity and Mortality Surveillance Summary, 6/4/10)
• In 1997, nearly half (48%) of male high school students and more than one-third (36%) of female students reported using some form of tobacco – cigarettes, cigars, or smokeless tobacco products – in the past month. The percentages went down to 30% for male students and 22% for female students in 2009. But among 12th graders, 40% of the boys and 26% of the girls had used tobacco in the past month. (Sources: Cancer Facts & Figures 2010; CDC Morbidity and Mortality Surveillance Summary, 6/4/10)
• Each year, about 3,400 non-smoking adults die of lung cancer as a result of breathing secondhand smoke. Each year secondhand smoke also causes about 46,000 deaths from heart disease in people who are not current smokers. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2012)
• Among adults age 18 and older, national data from 2009 showed 7% of men and less than 1% of women were current users of smokeless tobacco. Nationwide, about 15% of US male high school students and more than 2% of female high school students were using chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip in 2009. (Sources: Cancer Facts & Figures 2011; CDC Morbidity and Mortality Surveillance Summary, 6/4/10)
• Smokeless tobacco products are a major source of cancer-causing nitrosamines and a known cause of human cancer. They increase the risk of developing cancer of the mouth and throat, esophagus (swallowing tube), and pancreas. (Source: Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Facts and Figures 2010)
• Smokeless tobacco products are less lethal but are not a safe alternative to smoking. Using smokeless tobacco can lead to nicotine addiction. Use of tobacco in any form harms health. (Source: Cancer Prevention & Early Detection Facts and Figures 2010)
• Between 2000 and 2004, smoking caused more than $193 billion in annual health-related costs in the United States, including smoking-attributable medical costs and productivity losses. (Source: Cancer Facts & Figures 2012)
Last Medical Review: 11/16/2011
Last Revised: 11/16/2011