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Cigarettes to self-extinguish thanks to new paper

Wednesday, November 02, 2011 – 11:21 AM

A new EU regulation means cigarettes being smoked indoors will self-extinguish if they are not picked up.

The regulation requires all cigarettes sold across the EU to be modified from November 17 to reduce the risk of an accidental fire as a result of a burning cigarette being left at rest.

When smoked normally, the new “Low Ignition Propensity” (LIP) cigarettes should not go out, but they are designed to do so when left at rest due to a new cigarette paper that contains narrow bands which act as “speed bumps”.

A lit cigarette abandoned outside will not self-extinguish, as the movement of air will keep it lit. If left at rest indoors however, the cigarette is designed to self-extinguish as soon as it burns back to one of the two “speed bumps” (see picture).

Irish retailers are already selling the cigarettes as the new designs are phased in. A similar regulation is already in force in the US, Canada and Finland.

A spokesman said smokers should not notice any difference in appearance, taste or flavour of their cigarettes.

Despite the change, smokers are advised to ensure they do not leave lit cigarettes unattended and extinguish cigarettes carefully.

The National Consumer Agency will enforce cigarette manufacturers’ compliance with the new regulation.

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