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Tobacco displays attract new young smokers

Since the introduction of tobacco advertising bans, tobacco companies have become increasingly
reliant on displays at the point of sale to attract attention to their products and stimulate sales. The main
purpose of tobacco marketing is to attract new smokers since established smokers tend to be brand
Each year thousands of children and young people in the United Kingdom start smoking, with around
two-thirds starting before the age of 18.1 Every year 340,000 children under sixteen try cigarettes for
the first time.2 The younger a person starts smoking the greater the risk of getting lung cancer and other
smoking related diseases.3 Because nicotine is so addictive, only around half of all smokers manage to
stop smoking before they die.4
Research shows that Point of Sale (PoS) display has a direct impact on young people’s smoking. In
2006, almost half (46%) of UK teenagers were aware of tobacco display at PoS and those professing an
intention to smoke were more likely to recall brands that they had seen at the point of sale.5

Since the introduction of tobacco advertising bans, tobacco companies have become increasinglyreliant on displays at the point of sale to attract attention to their products and stimulate sales. The mainpurpose of tobacco marketing is to attract new smokers since established smokers tend to be brandloyal.Each year thousands of children and young people in the United Kingdom start smoking, with aroundtwo-thirds starting before the age of 18.1 Every year 340,000 children under sixteen try cigarettes forthe first time.2 The younger a person starts smoking the greater the risk of getting lung cancer and othersmoking related diseases.3 Because nicotine is so addictive, only around half of all smokers manage tostop smoking before they die.4Research shows that Point of Sale (PoS) display has a direct impact on young people’s smoking. In2006, almost half (46%) of UK teenagers were aware of tobacco display at PoS and those professing anintention to smoke were more likely to recall brands that they had seen at the point of sale.

Read more, download PDF : ASH_701

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