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Implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in mainland China

As per China’s ratification of the WHO Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), it should have
implemented effective packaging and labelling measures
prior to 9 January 2009 and enacted a comprehensive
ban on all tobacco advertising, promotion and
sponsorship prior to 9 January 2011. In addition, universal
protection against secondhand tobacco smoke should
have been implemented before 9 January 2011 by
ensuring that all indoor workplaces, all indoor public
places, all public transportation and possibly other
(outdoor or quasi-outdoor) public places are free of
secondhand smoke. The authors conducted a review of
various sources of information to determine the current
status of FCTC implementation in mainland China. Even
though China has made considerable efforts to implement
the FCTC, there is still a significant gap between the
current state of affairs in China and the requirements of
the FCTC. The Chinese tobacco monopoly under which
commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco
industry are jeopardising tobacco control efforts is
thought to be the most crucial obstacle to the effective
implementation of the FCTC across the country.

ABSTRACTAs per China’s ratification of the WHO FrameworkConvention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), it should haveimplemented effective packaging and labelling measuresprior to 9 January 2009 and enacted a comprehensiveban on all tobacco advertising, promotion andsponsorship prior to 9 January 2011. In addition, universalprotection against secondhand tobacco smoke shouldhave been implemented before 9 January 2011 byensuring that all indoor workplaces, all indoor publicplaces, all public transportation and possibly other(outdoor or quasi-outdoor) public places are free ofsecondhand smoke. The authors conducted a review ofvarious sources of information to determine the currentstatus of FCTC implementation in mainland China. Eventhough China has made considerable efforts to implementthe FCTC, there is still a significant gap between thecurrent state of affairs in China and the requirements ofthe FCTC. The Chinese tobacco monopoly under whichcommercial and other vested interests of the tobaccoindustry are jeopardising tobacco control efforts isthought to be the most crucial obstacle to the effectiveimplementation of the FCTC across the country.

Download PDF : China FCTC. TC 11 07

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