How multinational tobacco companies colluded to use
trade and intellectual property arguments they knew
were phoney to oppose plain packaging and larger
health warnings.
And how governments fell for their chicanery.
(Revision of “Plot Against Plain Packaging, April 2008)
Physicians for Smoke-Free Canada
1226A Wellington Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1Y 1R1
June 2009
How multinational tobacco companies colluded to usetrade and intellectual property arguments they knewwere phoney to oppose plain packaging and largerhealth warnings.And how governments fell for their chicanery.(Revision of “Plot Against Plain Packaging, April 2008)
Physicians for Smoke-Free Canada1226A Wellington StreetOttawa, Ontario, K1Y 1R1
June 2009
Download PDF : Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada – Packaging phoney intellectual property claims (2009)[1]