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Chicago Enforces Tobacco Purchase Age Increase

By the end of the week, no one under 21 will be able to purchase tobacco products in Chicago.

Beginning Friday, July 1, 2016, Chicago will require consumers to be 21 years of age, or older, to purchase cigarettes and other tobacco products.

According to a report from the Chicagoist, this new law was passed in March 2016, but it is just now taking effect.

In addition to increasing the legal age to purchase tobacco products, the new law requires retailers that sell tobacco products to post signs reflecting the change.

A number of health advocates believe that the new law will discourage youth from purchasing and smoking tobacco products, but the Chicagoist reported that Rob Karr, president of the Illinois Retail Merchants Association, stated that the new law most likely drive younger consumers to purchase cigarettes outside the city, or illegally.

The report from the Chicagoist also revealed that the new law also applies to vaping paraphernalia.

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