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Plymouth shops fail e-cig children test

Nearly two-thirds of shops in Plymouth failed a Trading Standards test and sold e-cigs to children.

New laws were introduced last year which made it illegal to sell e-cigarettes to children, but nine out of fifteen shops failed when Trading Standards checked to see if this was being applied.

Shops can be fined up to £2,500, but on this occasion they were let off.

While most people who use E Cigarettes are adults who use them to help to cut down on smoking tobacco – we do need to ensure that children are protected from nicotine, which most e-cigs do contain and which is a highly addictive substance. We asked pupils in year 10 if they had ever used an E Cigarette – and 18 per cent of them replied that they had done so, so this is a very real concern for Plymouth.

The law was changed last year to protect young people and we want to work with retailers in the first instance to raise their awareness of their legal obligations. We will not be taking any formal action on this occasion but do intend to carry out further tests in the future.


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