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June 3rd, 2013:

Tob Control — May 2013, Volume 22, Number e1 – TOC

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May 2013, Volume 22, Issue e1

World No Tobacco Day

[Author index]


1. Editorial

2. Research papers

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Recommitting to the elimination of tobacco use

o Joanna E Cohen

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e1 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2013-051154

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Research papers

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Impact of national smoke-free legislation on home smoking bans: findings from the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project Europe Surveys

o Ute Mons,

o Gera E Nagelhout,

o Shane Allwright,

o Romain Guignard,

o Bas van den Putte,

o Marc C Willemsen,

o Geoffrey T Fong,

o Hermann Brenner,

o Martina Pötschke-Langer,

o Lutz P Breitling

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e2-e9 Published Online First: 13 February 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050131

Editor's Choice

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The impact of changes in tobacco control funding on healthcare expenditures in California, 2012–2016

o Wendy Max,

o Hai-Yen Sung,

o James Lightwood

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e10-e15 Published Online First: 17 January 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050130

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Hospital admissions for acute myocardial infarction before and after implementation of a comprehensive smoke-free policy in Uruguay

o Ernesto Marcelo Sebrié,

o Edgardo Sandoya,

o Andrew Hyland,

o Eduardo Bianco,

o Stanton A Glantz,

o K Michael Cummings

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e16-e20 Published Online First: 15 February 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050134

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The Spanish tobacco tax loopholes and their consequences

o Ángel López-Nicolás,

o María Belén Cobacho,

o Esteve Fernández

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e21-e24 Published Online First: 23 May 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050344

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The effect of tobacco control policies on smoking prevalence and smoking-attributable deaths in Ireland using the IrelandSS simulation model

o Laura M Currie,

o Kenneth Blackman,

o Luke Clancy,

o David T Levy

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e25-e32 Published Online First: 26 May 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050248

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The influence of a smoking ban on the profitability of Belgian restaurants

o Sofie De Schoenmaker,

o Philippe Van Cauwenberge,

o Heidi Vander Bauwhede

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e33-e36 Published Online First: 29 April 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050283

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Out of sight, out of mind? Removal of point-of-sale tobacco displays in Norway

o Janne Scheffels,

o Randi Lavik

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e37-e42 Published Online First: 7 June 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050341

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Open Access

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Cigarette packet warning labels can prevent relapse: findings from the International Tobacco Control 4-Country policy evaluation cohort study

o Timea Reka Partos,

o Ron Borland,

o Hua-H Yong,

o James Thrasher,

o David Hammond

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e43-e50 Published Online First: 25 April 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050254

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Awareness and impact of New York City’s graphic point-of-sale tobacco health warning signs

o Micaela H Coady,

o Christina A Chan,

o Kari Auer,

o Shannon M Farley,

o Elizabeth A Kilgore,

o Susan M Kansagra

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e51-e56 Published Online First: 23 June 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050261

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Linking mass media campaigns to pictorial warning labels on cigarette packages: a cross-sectional study to evaluate effects among Mexican smokers

o James F Thrasher,

o Nandita Murukutla,

o Rosaura Pérez-Hernández,

o Jorge Alday,

o Edna Arillo-Santillán,

o Claudia Cedillo,

o Juan Pablo Gutierrez

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e57-e65 Published Online First: 29 June 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050282

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Evaluating the effectiveness of the US Navy and Marine Corps Tobacco Policy: an assessment of secondhand smoke exposure in US Navy submariners

o Nicholas J Yarnall,

o Linda M Hughes,

o Paul S Turnbull,

o Mark Michaud

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e66-e72 Published Online First: 7 August 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2012-050488

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Cost and effectiveness of the nationwide government-supported Smoking Cessation Clinics in the Republic of Korea

o Jin-Kyoung Oh,

o Min Kyung Lim,

o E Hwa Yun,

o Sang Hwa Shin,

o Eun Young Park,

o Eun-Cheol Park

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e73-e77 Published Online First: 29 June 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050110

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Impact of cigarette minimum price laws on the retail price of cigarettes in the USA

o Michael A Tynan,

o Kurt M Ribisl,

o Brett R Loomis

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e78-e85 Published Online First: 3 August 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2012-050554

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Support for a tobacco endgame and increased regulation of the tobacco industry among New Zealand smokers: results from a National Survey

o Richard Edwards,

o Nick Wilson,

o Jo Peace,

o Deepa Weerasekera,

o George W Thomson,

o Heather Gifford

Tob Control 2013;22:e1 e86-e93 Published Online First: 25 April 2012 doi:10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050324

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ASH Daily News for 03 June 2013

03 June 2013

Telephone: 020 7404 0242


Health groups dismayed by news ‘big tobacco’ funded rightwing thinktanks

The Adam Smith Institute and the Institute of Economic Affairs received money from cigarette firms, it has been revealed.

“At the current time, with a centre-right government, thinktanks which represent the libertarian right wing like the IEA and ASI are crucial players in the development of public policy,” said Deborah Arnott, chief executive of ASH.

“The government needs to take note that tobacco industry funding of such organisations completely undermines the credibility of their opposition to standard packaging,” she added. “For the government to allow its policies to be influenced by tobacco-funded think-tanks would be a breach of its legal obligations under the WHO tobacco treaty.”

“If the IEA really believes its policies are completely independent from its funding, it should have the courage of its convictions and be honest about where it gets its money from,” Arnott said.

Source: The Observer – 01 June 2013

UK ‘could lose tough reputation on tobacco controls’

The UK could lose its reputation as having the toughest tobacco control measures in Europe unless it introduces standardised packs for cigarettes, ASH has warned.

In recent years the UK was ranked top out of all countries in the European Union for its tough stance on smoking and tobacco.

But ASH said that there is a danger that Ireland will “snatch the crown” after Irish officials said that they will force tobacco manufacturers to use plain boxes emblazoned with graphic images under tough new laws.

Source: Yorkshire Post – 01 May 2013

Scotland: Campaign to ban sale of tobacco at Games

Anti-smoking activists have called for the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow to be completely tobacco-free.

ASH Scotland said that cigarettes should be banned from sale around venues and there should be a comprehensive no-smoking policy in stadiums and near sports.

Source: Herald Scotland – 31 May 2013

Scotland: Pregnant women to be offered smoking tests

Pregnant women are to be offered carbon monoxide monitoring to measure their exposure to cigarette smoke.

The service will be offered to all women in the early stages of pregnancy and will indicate raised levels of exposure to the gas through smoking or passive smoking.

Midwives can then refer women to stop-smoking support services, as well as additional care during the pregnancy if required.

Meanwhile, newly published European-wide research has shown that the number of attempts to quit smoking by pregnant women rose last year to 2,985, compared with 2,756 in 2011.

Source: Scotland on Sunday – 01 June 2013

Russia: Smoking ban introduced in the land of the 60p pack of cigarettes

A smoking ban in some public places has come into force in Russia, a country with one of the highest smoking rates in the world.

See also:
– Russia tries to kick habit with anti-smoking law, Reuters
– Moscow passes smoking ban, Herald Scotland
– Russia’s smokers flout new tobacco ban, Medical Xpress
– Russian smoking ban comes into force, BBC News [includes video]
– Russia smoking ban takes effect, The Guardian

Source: The Independent – 02 June 2013

North America: Starbucks bans smoking within 25ft of stores

Starbucks has banned smoking within 25ft of its stores across the US and Canada.

The rule came into force on Saturday at 7,000 cafes owned and operated by the coffee chain.

Starbucks spokeswoman Jaime Lynn Riley said the aim was to expand the indoor no-smoking policy to the outdoor seating areas.

Source: Sovereign FM – 01 June 2013