Smoking and tobacco: news and resources round up
Prompted by the Department of Health’s latest hard-hitting anti-smoking campaign, here are some stats, graphics and stories to highlight the risks of smoking in class

From the plight of tobacco farmers to the health risks, our smoking news and resources round up covers all aspects of the issue. Photograph: Ariana Cubillos/AP
From the Guardian
New Year anti-smoking campaign highlights cancer risks
Research has found that more than a third of smokers still believe that the health risks associated with smoking are “greatly exaggerated”. The Department of health has responded with this hard-hitting campaign showing the direct link between smoking and cancer. As well as highlighting health risks to your students, this video could be a good starting point for a debate on the impact of advertising, too.
The tobacco atlas of the world – map
This fascinating data map, the tobacco atlas, published by the American Cancer Society and World Lung Foundation, looks at key indicators of the tobacco industry from cigarette consumption to share of the total cigarette market by country. There’s some analysis of the data here too.
Why Zimbabwe’s tobacco industry is unhappy with WHO
For a different perspective on the smoking debate, take a look at this feature from the Guardian’s Africa correspondent, David Smith. David looks at what the anti-smoking lobby means to farmers in Zimbabwe – a country heavily dependent on tobacco. Another interesting topic for debate.
Plain packaging for cigarettes would help Britain kick its smoking habit
In this blog post, health services minister, Dan Poulter, debates what needs to be done to prevent young people from taking up smoking. He feels young people are seduced by marketing techniques and feels a ban is the best way to reduce the numbers taking up smoking. What do your students think?
Women who quit smoking before 30 cut risk of tobacco-related death by 97%
Some stats to outline the health risks: Lancet study of more than 1m UK women shows death rate three time higher for those who smoke into middle-age.
Smoking ban ‘has reduced asthma and heart attacks’
A news story that reports prohibition of smoking in pubs and restaurants appears to have encouraged people to try to cut down
Smoking: why do some young people smoke?
This lesson explores why some young people smoke and why the majority don’t. It also considers early signs of addiction and includes an activity where pupils suggest effective ways of persuading peers not to smoke.
Obama quits smoking
An article about Barack Obama quitting smoking with an associated science lesson for KS2 and one for KS3, plus glossary and vetted weblinks.
The effects of smoking
By the end of this lesson students will know what effect smoking has on the respiratory system and they will be able to name the diseases associated with smoking. Ages 11 to 14.
Health and smoking
As well as covering the origin of tobacco and trends through the ages, this lesson also looks at the dangerous components of tobacco and tobacco smoke (nicotine, carcinogens, carbon monoxide, smoke particles). Students will learn about how smoking affects different parts of the body and how difficult it is to cure smoking-related diseases.
Full plain packet – changes to cigarette packs
This is based on a 2011 news story, when plain packaging for cigarettes was introduced, but still has some interesting activities and debate ideas. Ideal for nine to 14 year-olds to get them talking about smoking issues.
Smoking: Education Guardian article
An article with facts and figures about health risks, passive smoking and the tobacco industry for lessons with students aged four to 11.
Best of the web
Stop! Quitting Time! – infographic
Designed for the Stoptober anti-smoking campaign earlier this year, this infographic outline stats on smokers in the UK. Includes an interesting list of reasons to stop that goes beyond the usual health risk messages.
The Size of the World’s Smoking Habit – infographic
Using World Health Organisation statistics, this graphic shows which nations have the most smokers and brings the data to life with famous architecture.
Department of Health – tobacco
Government site with news items, press releases and campaign info.
British Heart Foundation – smoking
Outlines the links between smoking and cardiovascular disease
Student Life debate: Should we ban smoking everywhere?
Video: The effect of smoking on the lungs
There’s loads more BBC videos about the lungs here.
Action on Smoking and Health – fact sheets
Lots of materials here including key statistics, tobacco economics and smoking and disease.
No Smoking Day website
This site also has dedicated page to how No Smoking Day can be used in schools.
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