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July 6th, 2009:

Secret Tobacco Document Quotes


in case there was ever any doubt about the Great Satan ………………

“Moreover, nicotine is addictive. We are, then, in the business of selling nicotine, an addictive drug effective in the release of stress mechanisms.”
July 17, 1963 report by Brown & Williamson general counsel/vice president Addison Yeaman, Implications of Battelle Hippo I and II and the Griffith Filter, 1963, 17 July, Memo (1802.05).
B&W Priv. 689033412
Bates # 2023191002 Text excerpts of the document are on the PBS Website
The memo is at the B&W Papers.
And at the following URL at Michael Tacelosky’s documents site:
Bates # 2023191002

“It may be well to remind you, however, that we have a research program in progress to obtain, by genetic means, any level of nicotine desired.”
1963 memo by B&W researcher, R.B. Griffith

“In a chronic smoker the normal equilibrium in the corticotropin releasing system can be maintained only by continuous nicotine intake. . . A body left in this unbalanced state craves for renewed drug intake in order to restore the physiological equilibrium. This unconscious desire explains the addiction of the individual to nicotine.”
May 30, 1963 report prepared under contract by researchers in Switzerland for British-American Tobacco/B&W and withheld by B&W from the U.S. Surgeon General [Philip J. Hilts, “Tobacco Maker Studied Risk But Did Little About Results , ” New York Times , June 17, 1994, p. A1.]

“We have , then, as our first premise, that the primary motivation for smoking is to obtain the pharmacological effect of nicotine.”
Fall, 1969 Philip Morris draft report by Thomas Osdene, then VP of Research and Development, to the board of directors, “Why One Smokes.” Minnesota Trial Exhibit 3681 Bates # 1003287036-48

“We are in a nicotine rather than a tobacco industry”
British American Tobacco Co. senior executive, as quoted in the minutes from a 1971 meeting of executives.

“Thus a tobacco product is, in essence, a vehicle for delivery of nicotine, designed to deliver the nicotine in a generally acceptable and attractive form. . . Our industry is then based upon design, manufacture and sale of attractive dosage forms of nicotine and our company’s position in our industry is determined by our ability to produce dosage forms of nicotine which have more overall value, tangible or intangible, to the consumer than those of our competitors.”
1972 memo, “The nature of the tobacco business and the crucial role of nicotine therein,” by R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co. scientist Claude E. Teague (1972)

“Although more people talk about ‘taste,’ it is likely that greater numbers smoke for the narcotic value that comes from the nicotine”
1972 memo from Philip Morris

“There is little doubt that if it were not for the nicotine in tobacco smoke, people would be little more inclined to smoke than they are to blow bubbles or to light sparklers.”
M.A.H. Russell, “The Smoking Habit and Its Classification.” The Practitioner 212 (1974), p. 794

“Consideration of nicotine delivery necessary to achieve long-term use and satisfaction by the consumer dictate that we should continue to pursue the concept of nicotine enhancement”
July 22, 1977 Lorillard memo from vice president for research and development, Fred Schultz to Alexander Spears

“Very few consumers are aware of the effects of nicotine, i.e., its addictive nature and that nicotine is a poison”
1978 B&W memo signed by H.D. Steele

“Nicotine is the most pharmacologically active constituent in tobacco smoke and is probably the most usual factor responsible for the maintenance of the smoking habit”
1978 internal British-American Tobacco Co. document by D.E. Creighton AP 04/03/98

“We have to satisfy the ‘individual’ who is either about to give up or has just done so… We are searching explicitly for a socially acceptable addictive product involving:

  • A pattern of repeated consumption.
  • A product which is likely to involve repeated handling.
  • The essential constituent is most likely to be nicotine or a “direct” substitute for it.
  • The product must be non-ignitable (to eliminate inhalation of combustion products and passive smoking).”

August 1979, ‘Key Areas – Product Innovation Over Next 10 Years for Long Term Development’ (BAT) The Guardian 02/15/98

“There are biologically active materials present in cigarette tobacco. These are: a) cancer causing b) cancer promoting c) poisonous d) stimulating, pleasurable, and flavorful.”
1961 “Confidential” memorandum from the consulting research firm hired by Liggett to do research for the company