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September, 2001:

Tobacco Industry Scientific Strategies Aimed Against Environmental Tobacco Smoke Policies

The Smoke You Don’t See: Uncovering Tobacco Industry Scientific Strategies Aimed Against Environmental Tobacco Smoke Policies


This review details the tobacco industry’s scientific campaign aimed against policies addressing environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) and efforts to undermine US regulatory agencies from approximately 1988 to 1993.


The public availability of more than 40 million internal, once-secret tobacco company documents allowed an unedited and historical look at tobacco industry strategies.


The analysis showed that the tobacco industry went to great lengths to battle the Environmental Tobacco Smoke issue worldwide by camouflaging its involvement and creating an impression of legitimate, unbiased scientific research.


There is a need for further international monitoring of industry-produced science and for significant improvements in tobacco document accessibility. (Am J Public Health. 2001;91:1419–1423)

View the complete research paper here: